Friday, October 21, 2016

Stitch Journal, Weeks 41 and 42

Sorry to have skipped posting about the Stitch Journal last week! I was busy preparing new patterns for publication, plus getting ready for and going to Rhinebeck. The weather was beautiful, and—as always—a day spent seeing (and petting) lovely sheep and goats, spying stunning knitwear at every turn, and meeting other fiber enthusiasts was fun and inspiring.

But, back to my October stitching . . .  the month began with greens and yellows, mostly, and lately has veered to reds and oranges. The trees are ablaze, and every day brings countless opportunities to stop in your tracks and feel tremendous awe.

Day 281
Stitch Journal, Day 281

Day 282
Stitch Journal, Day 282

Day 283
Stitch Journal, Day 283

Day 284
Stitch Journal, Day 284

Day 285
Stitch Journal, Day 285

Day 286
Stitch Journal, Day 286

Day 287
Stitch Journal, Day 287

Day 288
Stitch Journal, Day 288

Day 289
Stitch Journal, Day 289

Day 290
Stitch Journal, Day 290

Day 291
Stitch Journal, Day 291

Day 292
Stitch Journal, Day 292

Day 293
Stitch Journal, Day 293

Day 294
Stitch Journal, Day 294

If you are enjoying my Stitch Journal project, I hope you'll consider making a purchase from my Etsy Shop to help support it. Funds are needed for stretchers, professional photography, and a website to serve as home for this project and my other artwork.

If you don't wish to make a purchase but just want to support the project, you can do that, too. Thank you!


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