Saturday, July 09, 2016

Stitch Journal: Weeks 26 and 27

Today's post covers two weeks of my Stitch Journal project. I don't like to fall behind on posting, but the past couple of weeks were full of work on design projects and editing, and since that's paying work—and blogging about the Stitch Journal isn't—I prioritized my free time accordingly. If you're a creative entrepreneur, I'm sure you know what that's like!

The last June stitching included meandering "trails" in green, orange French knots for the Monarch butterfly, browns for the chipmunks and groundhogs, yellow for the finches.

Day 176
Stitch Journal, Day 176

Day 177
Stitch Journal, Day 177

Day 178
Stitch Journal, Day 178

Day 179
Stitch Journal, Day 179

Day 180
Stitch Journal, Day 180

Day 181
Stitch Journal, Day 181

Day 182 (Thursday, June 30)
Stitch Journal, Day 182

July's piece began with lots of green in running stitch and back stitch, and lozenges of yellow (for patches of sunlight) and pale beige (for the undersides of maple leaves that wind scattered across the lawn).

Day 183 (Friday, July 1)
Stitch Journal, Day 183

Day 184
Stitch Journal, Day 184

Day 185
Stitch Journal, Day 185

Day 186
Stitch Journal, Day 186

Day 187
Stitch Journal, Day 187

Day 188
Stitch Journal, Day 188

Day 189
Stitch Journal, Day 189

The world is so lush now. Even if I stitched from dawn to dusk, I don't think I could really capture the richness of the green hues that greet my eyes every morning.

July morning

If you are enjoying my Stitch Journal project, I hope you'll consider making a purchase to help support it. Funds are needed for stretchers, professional photography, and a website to serve as home for this project and my other artwork.

If you don't wish to make a purchase but just want to support the project, you can do that, too. Thank you!


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